updating at last

I don't have very many clever stories at the moment, although last week I witnessed something I've been dreading:
Brendan is putting on his motorcycle boots - big, black leather, with a giant buckle on one side. Flannery sidles up to him and says with lots of inflection, "Oh! Papa! Look at your cute boots!" Earlier in the week she had informed Ridley and Peter Olps that their lawnmower was "Sooo cute."
She's become very maternal of late. Last week I was out for the day with a cold. She walked over to the recliner where I was lying down, wrenched my head over to the edge of the chair and said very soothingly, "There mama, rest your head on me." while patting my cheek.
So, for now I'll post pictures and stop being so busy that I forget the funnies.