Glory is a swing and a slide

That should be enough pictures for now. Flannery's vocabulary is growing by the second. This morning she screamed and then looked up at me and said, "What's that sound Mama? It's horrible."
Brendan's been creating a catechism for her that's pretty simple, but she has started making the connections with things that happen at church. He always asks her what the wine and the bread are at church and she says "The body of the Lord broken for you." and "The blood of the Lord shed for you." If someone is in the room, she'll turn and look at them when she says "for you".
The other day she added (on her own) "The blood of the Lord shed for you and the many". Yay for her little mind making connections.
If you ask her what happens at church she says (again, we didn't teach her this, she came up with it herself) "Wine and bread and baptize the babies."
She gets chocolate milk as a special treat on the Sabbath which resulted in this little conflation the other day:
Flannery to her doll "This is chocolate milk shed for you and the many!"
Recently Brendan asked her what glory was (we were just curious what she would say) and she responded very promptly, "Glory is a swing and a slide."
I'll leave y'all with that.