From a fellow named Dave and his exploring/photography website Desolate Metropolis. This is the Michigan Central Depot in Detroit, one of the most astounding abandoned ruins of the Rust Belt. In Dave’s words, what the Depot brought to mind:
The grandeur and even opulence which defines many of the structures built there stands in stark contrast to the current condition of the same structures and the city in general. The rise and fall of the American auto industry, which built and defined 20th Century America, is on display nowhere more prominently than in Detroit’s abandonments. This is representative of a larger shift in the American economy away from industry and towards the information age. While this shift has brought record profits to many places, it has also caused devastation on a level which is not widely realized outside of places like Detroit. It begs the question of what is next for those places reliant on the information economy, and what is in store if those jobs are also outsourced and sent overseas…