So, I'm coming up for air again tonight. Kids are in bed and all is quiet. Internet is too slow to load photos or the cutest video EVER of Huck, so I'll just write for now.
The school year is upon us and for the first time ever, we are officially doing school. We started today. Flannery breezed through her alphabet, vowel recognition, counting by twos etc. while Huckleberry practiced sitting quietly in a chair for 15 minutes.
This sitting still business is a crucial skill, I would say even as important as counting by twos.
For example, when you are in the library and there are 5 people in front of you in line to check out books. You are 2 years old, you are hungry and there are fish in a tank. So you vacillate between crying and holding onto your mom's pant leg and running to the fish tank shouting at the top of your lungs, "FIS! FIS!". Times like this, sitting in a chair quietly admiring a sticker on your palm is so much more relaxing.
Or when you are stuck at the Farmer's Market waiting for your mom and dad to finish purchasing those delectable peaches that you refuse (on principle) to eat and you are tempted to run off to the playground or across Jackson Street's three lanes of traffic, that skill of sitting and being patient is a real life-saver.
So, now you know what Huck's been working on. He also likes to make Atty laugh. They sit and look at each other until one bursts out laughing and then the other one goes off and they just sit there like that for a while, laughing at each other. It's as delectable as the aforementioned peaches. Only, we eat it up like obedient children.
Huckleberry is a master pig-sprayer. He can hose down those pigs like nobody's business. He also hoses down everything else within a 20 foot radius. So, we send him down there by himself and then it's hard to tell if he or the pigs are more happy.
Speaking of which, it's been hot. Really hot. Late summer around here still kind of feels like an old dead morning glory vine that just hangs on because darn it, it is STILL summer. Dry, brittle, brown, dusty. That's us these days.
Flannery also began ballet yesterday and has returned to weekly singing school. She's so excited about ballet, I caught her making her bed in her ballet slippers this morning. Nothing like a little pink satin to pizzazz up your morning chores.
And speaking of morning chores, we have 7 little black Australorp chicks that will grow up and make us delicious eggs. They are prettty adorable. My kids watching them are even more adorable. Huckleberry flapping a piece of cardboard around inside their box for the pure joy of watching them scatter is less adorable. Atticus actually laughed out loud at them today.
Speaking of Atticus, he's on the move. He is the man with the plan and the ability to execute it. He's not full on crawling, but he scoots around on his tummy and when he's feeling patient, he crawls very slowly. Most of the time he is not patient. Therefore, most of Atty's clothes are becoming dingy on the fronts.
He is also maintaining his status as an O'Donnell non-sleeper. He teases us by randomly sleeping through the night and then returns to his normal pattern of wake-up and play from 2-3:30 am. Unfortunately, he does not enjoy playing alone. But he is soooo cute that sometimes we can't help ourselves.
I'll just pass on a few favorite moments from this week and then I'm going to sleep while I can.
Flannery was beside herself crying about something and the only thing that finally calmed her down was if I sang to her. So, I got to hold her on my lap and sing to her. I know it's silly, but that's one of those moments that I used to wonder if I'd ever really have, or did singing to one's children like that only happen in books? Now I know. And it was sweet.
Huckleberry was sitting next to Atticus at dinner. When some of Atty's many toys fell of the high chair tray, Huckleberry solemnly and silently slipped off of his chair, picked up ALL of the toys and gently laid them on Atty's tray. He then slipped back into his chair as if nothing had happened.
Atticus reached for me for the first time. 'Nuff said.
I'll post photos and a video another time.


Our children have a lot of nicknames. Here's what I can remember as of this writing...
Doodle, Fla-fla, Sugar Pie, Sugar Blossom, Cake, Chatty Shark
Hucky, Bucky, Buckminster, Buckle, Buxtehude, Dopey, Bucko
Atty, Cusswater, Baby Boo, Sweetwater, Sweet Boy

Breakfastless in Moscow

I'm purposely leaving my kids in their beds past 7 am just to bring you this post. Do you feel special? You should.
Huckleberry is continuing his tradition of waking up at 6 am and shouting about things for an hour. Right now we are switching back and forth between "cacka!" ( his word for cracker) and, "Choo! Choo! Yeahhhh!". Whoops, my time is limited, he's begun screaming. A favorite Hucky pastime is tickling Atticus' toes, also, he likes to eat. I often walk into the room to find all manner of unorthodox things being chewed while the chewer enthusiastically remarks, "num!". By unorthodox I mean raw pasta, coffee beans, erasers, crayons, kitty food etc.
He also "calls" bugs. I kid you not, he stands outside and when he sees an insect he says,"Ba!Ba!" and when the bug doesn't come he goes and gets it. Which is why we really must get rid of our fire ant hill.
Flannery continues to be a black hole for stories. She spends a lot of time playing what she calls, "talking games". This is the regurgitation of all of the stories we've been tossing into her particular spot in the universe. Strange things happen here, Cinderella is married to Almanzo Wilder and people like Strawberry Shortcake drive other folks, like Katy the Snowplow, around. Yesterday, one of my favorites, so far, happened. Cinderella wished that her stepmother would be kind (instead of the dress and coach and whatnot). Far more efficient version of that story in my opinion.
The other day she informed me that listening to "Heidi" during rest time was giving her "perfumey" thoughts.

Atticus is the happiest O'Donnell so far. He rewards even a glance with a big smile and laughter is quick to follow. He's shaping up to be the usual O'Donnell non-sleeper as well. Not to be outdone by his siblings, he has completely skipped the part where he makes a short-lived attempt at sleeping through the night around 3 months and has gone straight for the waking up 4 times a night to say hello and be sad to be put down.

Having three children is great. Two sort of felt like we weren't sure if we really wanted to do this kid thing, it was so typical American family, a girl and a boy, reasonably spaced and so forth. Atticus has tipped the canoe, so to speak. Appearing out of nowhere, he's been busy setting us straight about our priorities ever since 4 am hunger drove me to take a pregnancy test. Chaos is normal, but it usually comes in 20 minute increments so you can catch your breath in between. We have no delusions about being orderly. We do, however, have aspirations of being dressed and brushing our teeth in time for dinner. Sometimes we even succeed.
This is our life right now, and we love it. We love the plastic butterflies on Atticus' head and how they fall off when he sneezes. We love Huckleberry's happy dance when you suggest happy Sabbath chocolate milk and the joy on his face when he has a handful of squirming earthworms. We love Flannery's chatter, even if it causes chores to take an hour. We especially love her use of accents (british and southern).
And now I'll go make breakfast.