Wild girl picking wildflowers
The bigger boy, tilt-shifted
More boy
March 7, 2011
Atticus Sweetwater O'Donnell
This one is real
Just to set the record straight
The baby wasn't done yet, so we put the little one back in the oven.
The other picture was taken around Christmastime of 2010; we had borrowed that baby for a Nativity Scene we were hoping to stage (that ended disastrously... DON'T ASK). That baby has since been returned to his rightful curators, the Appels.
So, here's a picture of, L to R, the baby and Sharon on the main deck of the houseboat we built last month.
Flannery and a baby...
Eating her birthday supper
Flannery's birthday supper
Mama is their home
Where we live now
Before one of the last dinners on 7th Street
Before church one morning
The little gwill what's turning FIVE today
Two moving vignettes
Moving as in, "we're moving on Saturday", not as in, "you will find these pictures emotionally stirring." First, Sharon and baby Caper scrubbing years of accumulated dreck from the range hood's underside...
And second, Huckleberry, after having spent thirty seconds outside at the new place, the environs of which are a veritable clay pit after a warmish spell in January...
And second, Huckleberry, after having spent thirty seconds outside at the new place, the environs of which are a veritable clay pit after a warmish spell in January...