Dancing boy

The song is Animal Collective's "My Girls", 2009's most indelible song, one which Flannery still calls "woooh mooscick"...

Thanksgiving recap

We flew solo for Thanksgiving this year. Here's some of what we remember of the day:
The day began as is typical: breakfast in our PJ's.

Flannery dressed up as a princess and started coloring.

The children watched Brendan shovel the walk. Huckleberry shouted out encouragement and instructions.

Instead of turkey, we had boeuf bourgignon. Flannery attempted to hide.

Huckleberry was astonished.

Flannery plays with words

"When I take a sip of beer it makes my mouth dizzy!"

"Mama, are you going to mow the carpet now?"

She heard us talking about billboards one day and the next thing I know, she's busy "making bobboards"

After Brendan made us hot chocolate with TOASTED marshallows on top, I said, "Flannery, you have the best Papa in the world." She nodded. Then I said, "When you grow up, you should marry someone like your Papa." She smiled knowingly at me and said, "Oh don't worry, I'm going to find an even MORE hot chocolatey man."

Word and truth

Huckleberry's word for "Amen!" is the same as his word for "Mama!" May he never lose sight of all that he sees right now. St. Matthew, 19:14.

The chef

Top to bottom: some Julia Child potato, egg, and sausage dish; the fetching blonde that cooked it for our supper.