She was putting away the silverware when I hear her grunt and say, "Mama, I'm having a fight with this spoon!"
I say, "oh yeah?"
She continues, "It doesn't want to come out and just get dirty AGAIN!"
She also did Hucky's hair today in anticipation of a friend's wedding tomorrow. Hucky patiently chewed on a toy while she styled him with...tangerine body butter, water and a comb.
Huckleberry now plays peekaboo, says "MAMA!" really loudly when he wants more of something, and reserves the most amazing smiles for when Brendan walks in the door after work. He also plays with my hair when he's falling asleep and still chuckles to himself as he drifts off...every time.
But our biggest accomplishment is that he says please in baby-sign! And he gets embarrassed by the praise when we applaud him. He actually hides his face!
I say, "oh yeah?"
She continues, "It doesn't want to come out and just get dirty AGAIN!"
She also did Hucky's hair today in anticipation of a friend's wedding tomorrow. Hucky patiently chewed on a toy while she styled him with...tangerine body butter, water and a comb.
Huckleberry now plays peekaboo, says "MAMA!" really loudly when he wants more of something, and reserves the most amazing smiles for when Brendan walks in the door after work. He also plays with my hair when he's falling asleep and still chuckles to himself as he drifts off...every time.
But our biggest accomplishment is that he says please in baby-sign! And he gets embarrassed by the praise when we applaud him. He actually hides his face!