a few ideas from flannery's head

First of all, she insists that she heard me AND baby Seuss snoring the other night. I told her it was her papa.

Then yesterday we had run to do an errand and when we walked back into our house she stopped, looked around with her hands on her hips and said, "Mom, I think your house has, like, dirt things in it."

Then today, I was explaining her job as flower girl in Aunt Erin's wedding. When I finished I said, "So, do you think you can walk down the aisle and throw the flowers for Aunt Erin to walk on and be brave?"
She responded with, "Yes, but do you think you could keep Aunt Erin from running over me?"

We are also giving up naptime. But we're replacing it with a 2 hour rest time. Hahahaha!