
Baby Seuss!
Of course you can't see him yet. You'll have to wait, along with Flannery, until the leaves turn colors. Not the springtime colors either. The fall ones. We're sort of wondering if Baby Seuss will make his arrival on his father's birthday...we'll see.
note: we haven't peeked - I'm only saying him because I hate calling babies "it" and I would like a boy. So there you have it.
Flannery has begun reading "sonnets" to Baby Seuss already. By the way, she also named him...for now. The sonnets were read out of her father's KJV and went something like this: "Shay nay tay, blay fray kay, stay hay ray, and the Kingdom of Heaven came down to lil Richard!" (her cousin).
She rhymes significant portions of her authoritative words which pleases the Lord mightily I'm sure.
I'm feeling okay. It's too early to tell yet if I'm going to spend the next three months in a sleeping bag on the bathroom floor...but the possibility has been discussed. As has a trip to Costco for large bags of meat that can be cooked and frozen and pulled out as needed...
Needless to say, we are thrilled to pieces. I've never been so excited about nausea and Flannery has already claimed the title of big sister. Brendan is preparing to become chief cook and bottle washer if need be while secretly dreaming about teaching this child (if it's a boy) how to hop a train.
On that note, I need to go make dinner.
Sharon for the O'Donnells 4