The trip

Well, I have more pictures than words about the trip. For those who may not know, my maternal grandfather died a few weeks ago and we decided to drive straight through to Illinois for the memorial. So, 30 hours there (on the nose), 36 hours there THERE, and then 30 hours home.
It went really well and I'd like to never do that again. Flannery was great. I had movies and a bag of dollar store treasure (which we referred to as "mama's bag of tricks") and these things plus copious amounts of the grace of God rendered Flannery obedient and cheerful (mostly). There aren't really any stories to tell - mostly in the family jokes and such. My grampa was a Christian and ready to rest, so it was a celebration of his freedom - lots of funny stories about him and his various loves (duct tape, cars, and cars).
I'll post pictures I promise, but it's too late tonight.

However. I will leave you with a Flannery gem.
Context: potty training and Flannery's adoration of anything she considers to be a "pretty lady"
Me: "Pretty ladies don't go potty on the floor."
Flannery: "No, they go potty on the rug."

Well, that explains a lot!