the storm

Flannery has taken on characteristics of a two-year-old boy. Today, after waking up from her nap, she stood in the living room shoving on the glider - rocker as hard as she could so that it was almost tipping over each time it rocked. She's been running around the house screaming and yelling REALLY loudly, giggling her head off at toots, and pushing the laundry basket around and ramming into anything stationary, which includes me.
Yesterday, after a long time in coming, I finally washed her car-seat cover. It had had one too many 'accidents' happen in it and smelled. So, clean and fresh, I put it back on, Flannery climbed in and, of course, rebaptized it pretty promptly.
Today, I switched out an old ugly lampshade for a new one. I had left the old one on the floor in the living room. At one point, I realized that it was awfully quiet, so I wandered into the living room and noticed the lampshade was on the couch. And then a little voice from inside the shade said, "Where's Flannery?".
Pictures will be posted next.