Flannery is lying on the floor with a mostly empty potato chip bag and one of Brendan's shoes. She alternates - a bite of chip and a chew on the laces. I noticed because I saw feet waving in the air on the other side of the coffee table and heard gurgling. I wonder if the flavor of the shoelace accents the "cheddar sour cream" flavored chips - you know, like salt, lime and tequila.
A few days ago she got her first baby doll - handmedown from a friend - and now we don't do anything without dolly -christened "That". Including praying before dinner. She stopped the prayer, got "That" and made us ALL hold hands - later she tried very hard to get That to eat graham cracker. If her behavior with That is any indication of our treatment of her, then we're doing okay. She walks around holding That and patting her head and kissing her face. ;-)
I'll put pictures up soon!
A few days ago she got her first baby doll - handmedown from a friend - and now we don't do anything without dolly -christened "That". Including praying before dinner. She stopped the prayer, got "That" and made us ALL hold hands - later she tried very hard to get That to eat graham cracker. If her behavior with That is any indication of our treatment of her, then we're doing okay. She walks around holding That and patting her head and kissing her face. ;-)
I'll put pictures up soon!